Discrete Mathematics: A Constructive Approach
1. Introduction
2. Logic
3. Proofs
4. Induction
5. Informality
6. Sets
7. Automata
8. Languages
9. Satisfiability
10. Appendix 1: Set Up
11. Appendix 2: Unix
12. Acknowledgements
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Discrete Mathematics: A Constructive Approach
1. Introduction
1.1. Mathematical Maturity
1.2. Logical Reasoning
1.3. Role in Computer Science
1.4. Automated Reasoning
1.5. Course Content and Organization
2. Logic
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Terms
2.3. Types
2.4. Functions
2.5. Propositions
2.6. Predicates
3. Proofs
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Equality
3.3. Forall
3.4. False
3.5. True
3.6. Conjunction
3.7. Implication
3.8. Bi-Implication
3.9. Disjunction
3.10. Negation
3.11. Exists
4. Induction
4.1. Example
4.2. Data Types
4.3. Functions & Recursion
4.4. Induction
4.5. Parameterized Types
4.6. Polymorphic Pairs
4.7. Boolean Algebra
4.8. Natural Numbers
4.9. Binary Trees
4.10. Certified ADTs (Optional)
5. Informality
5.1. Case Study
5.2. Direct Proof
5.3. Proof by Contradiction
5.4. Proof by Induction
5.5. Proof by Contraposition
5.6. Summary
5.7. Exercises
6. Sets
7. Automata
8. Languages
9. Satisfiability
10. Appendix 1: Set Up
10.1. Installing Lean
10.2. Cloning the Class Repository
10.3. Using Your IDE
10.4. Creating New Lean Projects
11. Appendix 2: Unix
11.1. Unix: A Brief History
11.2. Command-Line Commands
12. Acknowledgements
Indices and tables
Module Index
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